It's all falling down around you.
Your stomach sinks.
The "Fight or Flight" reaction kicks in.
You feel trapped, like an animal.
You know you've fucked up again.
Is it over?
Is this the end?
You've felt this feeling before.
You lived through it.
You didn't die.
In fact, you learned something about yourself.
You were stronger than you thought you were.
What happened?
What could you do in the future to keep it from happening again?
Talk it out.
By yourself.
With a friend.
With a therapist.
With God.
Is it starting to make sense now?
The world didn't end.
Anxiety passes.
You survived yourself, and now you are a little bit stronger than you were.
Sure, you cracked, maybe even broke a little.
But that is how you grow stronger.
Only in our vulnerability can we hear God.
Take a deep breath.
Clear your eyes.
You have survived
another self induced apocalypse.
Have a great week.
Be safe.
Be well.
Be Blessed.
Much Love.